Hi there! I am Stanley

Meet Stanley who lives here in our rescue centre with Quinton. Stanley’s exact age is unknown but we think he is around 5 years old.
He is a lovely piggy who has just undergone major surgery due to having a cancerous tumour on his back. He is very good friends with Quinton!
If you would like to sponsor Stanley you can select from either the monthly sponsorship of £7.50 or yearly sponsorship of £90.00. Please click here to complete your sponsorship form with the information needed – and we’ll send you your gifts as soon as we can!

THANK YOU for your support!

Hi there! I am Quinton

Meet Quinton who lives here in our rescue centre with Stanley. Quinton’s exact age is unknown but we think he is around 5 years old. He is a very funny piggy and is always popcorning. He is very good friends with Stanley!
If you would like to sponsor Quinton you can select from either the monthly sponsorship of £7.50 or yearly sponsorship of £90.00. Please click here to complete your sponsorship form with the information needed – and we’ll send you your gifts as soon as we can!

THANK YOU for your support!

Hi there! I am Tommy

Meet Tommy who lives here in our rescue centre with Roo. Roo’s exact age is unknown but we think he is around 5 years old. He is quite a reserved piggy and likes to hide in his favourite bed. He is very good friends with Roo!
If you would like to sponsor Tommy you can select from either the monthly sponsorship of £7.50 or yearly sponsorship of £90.00. Please click here to complete your sponsorship form with the information needed – and we’ll send you your gifts as soon as we can!

THANK YOU for your support!

Hi there! I am Roo

Meet Roo who lives here in our rescue centre with Tommy.
Tommy’s exact age is unknown but we think he is around 5 years old.
He is a very curious piggy and is very good friends with Tommy!
If you would like to sponsor Roo you can select from either the monthly sponsorship of £7.50 or yearly sponsorship of £90.00.
Please click here to complete your sponsorship form with the information needed – and we’ll send you your gifts as soon as we can!

THANK YOU for your support!

Hi there! I am Ava

Meet Avs who lives here in our rescue centre with Jerrie, Poppy, Hope, Peach and Clementine.
Ava’s exact age is unknown but we think she is around 5.5 years old. She is a rather shy piggy and generally hides away from people. But the more she is being handled, the more she is getting used to human interaction.
If you would like to sponsor Ava you can select from either the monthly sponsorship of £7.50 or yearly sponsorship of £90.00.
Please click here to complete your sponsorship form with the information needed – and we’ll send you your gifts as soon as we can!

THANK YOU for your support!

Hi there! I am Peaches

Meet Peach who lives here in our rescue centre with Jerrie, Poppy, Hope, Ava and Clementine.
Peaches exact age is unknown but we think she is around 5.5 years old.
She is a very adventurous piggy and is very good friends with Jerri!
If you would like to sponsor Peach you can select from either the monthly sponsorship of £7.50 or yearly sponsorship of £90.00.
Please click here to complete your sponsorship form with the information needed – and we’ll send you your gifts as soon as we can!

THANK YOU for your support!

Hi there! I am Clementine

Meet Clementine who lives here in our rescue centre with Jerrie, Poppy, Hope, Ava and Peach.

Clementine’s exact age is unknown but we think she is around 5.5 years old. She is a very curious piggy and is very good friends with Ava!

If you would like to sponsor Clementine you can select from either the monthly sponsorship of £7.50 or yearly sponsorship of £90.00.

Please click here to complete your sponsorship form with the information needed – and we’ll send you your gifts as soon as we can!

THANK YOU for your support!

Hi there! I am Monkey

Meet Monkey who lives here in our rescue centre with the herd.

Monkey is around 5 years old. She is a very happy and friendly piggy and loves having treats added into the hay.

If you would like to sponsor Monkey you can select from either the monthly sponsorship of £7.50 or yearly sponsorship of £90.00.

Please click here to complete your sponsorship form with the information needed – and we’ll send you your gifts as soon as we can!

THANK YOU for your support!

Hi there! We are Biscuit & Crumbs

We are currently living in an outdoor hutch. Minimum requirement is 6ft Hutch.

Indoors 5×2 C&C Grids/160 Ferplast.

We are currently being fostered in Basingstoke

Please note we will only accept the correct size accommodation. Anything else will not be accepted.

Home Checks will apply.

Hi there! We are Kingkong & Godzilla

We are currently living in an indoor cage. Minimum requirement for boys is a 5×2 C&C grids/160 Ferplast.
We are currently being fostered in Basingstoke

Please note we will only accept the correct size accommodation. Anything else will not be accepted.

Home Checks will apply.